Say what you want about Bill Gates and his army in the Northwest. Call them evil, call them monopolists, call them whatever you want but be sure you recognize the significance of a product called Surface that was released last week. Surface will change the way digital signage is used in retail environments.
My view of digital signage is warped. I live it during the day and dream about it all night long. This I admit. I am wildly enthusiastic about the ever growing applications for digital signage and I’m constantly finding new ways to utilize the technology. With that said, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that digital signage is less about technology than it is about the consumer experience the technology can create for individuals.
Surface appears to do what our industry has been championing for years but somehow falling short. That is to present a fully immersive retail experience and take the customer through the entire purchase experience in an entertaining, unique and informative way. I have yet to see the Surface product myself so maybe they have an element of spin associated with their pitch as well. I will be interested to get my hands on this product and you can be sure I’ll post my findings here when the time comes.