Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Adding to your customers' experience with digital signage

Imagine being stuck in your car for hours with two kids screaming in the backseat and nothing to do. Sounds terrible, right? How grateful would you be if you and your passengers had some entertainment to pass the time? Let's say, popcorn, a movie, and a Coke.

Coca-Cola recently took a highly congested traffic area and transformed it into an impromptu drive-in movie theater. Making a traffic jam into a vehicle for brand recognition, loyalty, and ultimately, an uplift in sales. They saw a need for entertainment and seized the opportunity-- A very smart and innovative marketing strategy.

In a recent poll of banks and credit unions, we asked them what their main priority was for using digital signage in the branch. 87% said they use digital signage to cross-sell products and services, 10% claimed the main purpose was branding and only 3% professed that it was purely for entertainment. Coke would be in that minority. They recognized that using a digital screen to entertain would give the person in traffic a great experience with the brand and that would result in sales uplift and brand loyalty.

What if your bank or credit union took a page from the Coke playbook? Here’s a scenario: While a customer is waiting in line, the digital screen is entertaining them with trivia, video, or maybe even a movie. A representative from the institution offers them a cup of coffee, soft-drink, or a small snack. Then, when it's time to process the transaction, the teller or font-line employee talks with them about their financial goals and introduces them to products that fit their needs.

Instead of using digital signage as a "sales representative", try using it as a part of the in-branch experience. Lowering perceived wait-time could have a very positive impact on the experience a person has with your financial institution. More positive experiences can result in greater loyalty, trust, improved word-of-mouth exposure, and ultimately more accounts and customers.

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