Friday, July 08, 2011

Back to the Future with Customer Service Part II

About a month ago I wrote about using holographic images to improve the customer experience. I discussed how a holographic image could contribute to the WOW experience for the customer and mentioned being greeted by Sam Walton, himself, at your local Wal-Mart.

Well, it may not be quite Sam Walton, but Lawrence, A Tensator Goup Co, has deployed what they call the "Virtual Assistant". Placed previously in London and Birmingham airports as greeters, these "Virtual Assistants" are making their U.S. debut in the retail environment at Duane Reade in New York City.

The "virtual assistant" takes the form of a female greeter and has different scripts about the store. The next version apparently will be more interactive with customers. But for now, I guess customers will just have to settle for a script reading holographic image welcoming and cross-selling you products.

I know if I was a Wal-Mart greeter, I'd be a little worried. Imagine walking your kids into Disney World and boom, there's Walt Disney! Or, taking a tour the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and performing a Scream duet with Michael Jackson. I'm WOWed by the idea. I hope to see this technology really take off - I'd like to see how far it can go.

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