Monday, August 29, 2011

Face 2 Facebook with Digital Signage

Recently, I wrote an article that discussed combining digital signage with social media. In the video above, Coke Cola uses digital kiosks at one of it's summer festivals so those attending the event would share their experiences with friends and family via Facebook - Before they even leave the event!

This benefits Coke in a couple of ways:

Coke is encouraging people to tell their friends about the "good time" they're having in hope to attract more people to the event.

Plus, the post to Facebook will be there until the user takes it down - So, Coke is turning their customers' Facebook page into a Coke billboard

Digital Signage + Social Media = Very Smart Move

1 comment:

Digital Signage said...

Nice blog post!
Digital Signage + Social Media = Very Smart Move

Great thought@@

Keep blogging!


Hyper Smash